
Product and Inventory Intern

August - December 2020 • Hyde Park, MA

What I liked

The people at ISlide are incredible, it is like a family there. Even on your first day, you already feel like you are a part of the community. When you are working at the headquarters, you are exposed to different aspects of running the company beyond just your specific role. They really value the interns' voices and you can make an immediate impact. It's the type of company that you are excited to go to work every day because of the people and the projects. The work was rewarding and helped me further understand what I want to do in terms of a future career.

What I wish was different

Since it is a small company and it is clear that it is unpaid in the internship listing, it would have been nice to have been a paid internship but I still think the experience you get at ISlide is worth it unpaid.


Get to know everyone, everyone at ISlide has really interesting and valuable experience. They want you to do well as much as you want to help them as an intern. They can help guide you to better understand what direction you want to take your career. Also, the energy this company has is really exciting and unique, I will truly miss it. Everyone is motivated every day to further push this company and grow so be ready to match this energy or more!
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Design Intern

June - August 2019 • Hyde Park, MA

What I liked

I loved the community, it was like a whole other family. Super awesome group to work with, and I got to keep doing what I love.

What I wish was different

I wish it was paid, but I understand it’s not the biggest company but the hardwork and time I spent to help better the company should have earned me something


It’s a really great and energetic company ready to take on more challenges.
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